Our garden is attached to our Pre-school building but is available for all the children in the setting to access.
Our garden gives us many different opportunities to learn and keep active.
The rooms also use the gardens for circle time, snack, picnics and interacting with friends from the other rooms too.
Our garden has areas that are covered meaning we can use the garden no matter what the weather is like and can be outside all year round!
Even though we have our garden area we also still enjoy walks out in the local area and enjoy trips to the park, farm, library, shops etc.
Our garden gives us many different opportunities to learn and keep active.
- We have bikes, scooters and ride on cars that the children can zoom around the garden in.
- Crates, where the children can work as a team to create their own obstacle course to balance on at they walk along and jump off the end, they also use them for building towers and dens.
- Balls and beanbags for throwing, kicking and catching games.
- Skittles to practice rolling the balls and knocking them down.
- A large whiteboard on the wall to practice making marks and drawing around our shadows when the sun is out.
- The children can get messy in the mud kitchen, using the different sized pots and pans, it also have a tap so the children can get water to make mud pies!
- Sand and water trays give the children different opportunities to feel, mix, pour and create different marks and make castles. We can also put objects in the water to see what sinks and floats.
- Giant weighing scales that the children enjoy putting different object in each bucket to help learn about heavy and light.
- Cosy area for relaxing and reading stories.
The rooms also use the gardens for circle time, snack, picnics and interacting with friends from the other rooms too.
Our garden has areas that are covered meaning we can use the garden no matter what the weather is like and can be outside all year round!
Even though we have our garden area we also still enjoy walks out in the local area and enjoy trips to the park, farm, library, shops etc.